Ask Sake Sensei!
Here are some frequently asked questions. Our sake sensei, Marcus, answers them.
Questions are always welcome, so please send them through the top page!
What's the popular sake sold in the states?
It depends on where you live...
Large brands such as Hakutsuru and Hakushika are everywhere, and Dassai proves to be very popular. On the other hand, there are pockets of the states that love for example Watari Bune or Yuki no Bosha also Shichida Sake is popular with sake fans.
Does the temperature of the sake affect what pairs well with it?
It might but I recommend trying the same sake at different temperatures with the same food and see what you enjoy best.
Is there a particular climate that is best for brewing sake?
Sake is brewed in the fall, Winter, and early spring. It needs cold weather.
Can you talk about filtered versus unfiltered sake?
Commonly known as unfiltered is Nigori or Cloudy Sake. It has rice sediment left in the bottle.